Tuesday, July 31, 2007
07/30/07 Cincinnati, OH to Lexington, Kentucky
07/28, 29 Oxford and Cincinnati, Ohio
The 35 mile ride to Cincinnati began with a wake up at 5:30 am. Seems pretty early for such a short day but that's because we had so much to do! Breakfast was in Oxford at the fraternity house once again. They've got someone in their chapter that really knows how to cook. The ride was easy until the end when we ran into some up hills and some sharp, fast downhills. I stayed on my brakes most of the way down because it was so windy. We rode into lodging for the night (a recreational center) which was also where we got to play wheelchair football.

07/26 and 27 Indianapolis
On the next day I woke up at 7:00 am and took a shower before going on a live spot on Indianapolis' FOX station. It was only 4-5 minutes and all I did was hold a map of our routes. It was good media coverage though and we always appreciate getting on the news.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
07/25/07 Terre Haute to Bloomington, IN
Today’s ride was odd and started out with a bang. We were literally a mile or less into the ride when my group stopped at a stop sign. Two cars back we heard yelling that sounded something like “get out of the way.” The first car drove by us once we were moving and followed by that car was an old man in a pick up truck, yelling and pointing at us. We yelled some stuff, not bad or negative, but sarcastic like “Sorry for making a difference!” He slowed down to a stop and as we got closer he spun his tires spitting dirt and rocks up at us. The guy in front of me got most of it but I caught a little of his wrath. We just kind of laughed about it, that someone is filled with so much anger to do that. The ride was hilly all day and I pushed it too hard. My quads and knees were sore at the end of the day.
07/24/07 Effingham, IL to Terre Haute, Indiana
07/23/07 St. Louis, MO to Effingham, Illinois
We left to Effingham which was supposed to be a longer ride than 90 miles but that’s what it ended up being. We racked out of the hotel to breakfast, sponsored again by Chuck Howard, and then out of the city to avoid East St. Louis and morning city traffic. The ride was long and straight, flat until the end where some rolling hills did pop up. I zoned out a lot, too much as it turned out because I had my first crash ever. I got too close to the edge of the shoulder and I think my back tire went off the little edge and I slammed down on my left side, dragging my left ankle on the edge and scraping my left leg more than half way up.
07/22/07 Day off in St. Louis, MO
07/21/07 Union to St. Louis, MO
07/20/07 Jefferson City to Union, MO
07/19/07 Sedalia to Jefferson City, MO
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
July 18th, 2007 Olathe to Sedalia
July 17, 2007 Day off in Olathe
the day started off with a trip to the Mahafee farm and stage coach stop on the Santa Fe trail. We were served omletes by a former city council women, and then given a tour of the homestead. http://www.olatheks.org/visitors/mahaffie/ later in the day we ate lunch with the Lakemary center for a friendship visit. Lakemary was an awesome place because they provide so many great services for people with disabilities, everything from group homes, jobs, job training, help with job placement, and day time service and sometimes just a place to hang out. The wonderful people at lake marry cooked us lunch then gave us a tour of all of their sites before we chose one to hang out at for the remainder of the afternoon. Later we were able to hang out with Mark Cameron (teamcameron.org) a quadriplegic man who runs his own business as well as lives almost completely on his own. He worked really hard and did a great job setting everything up for us in Olathe. For dinner we attended a tailgaiting party for an Olathe T-Bones baseball game just before heading to the game. The T-Bones didn't win. After the game most of us called it a night, even though it was a “day off” it was more tiring than a normal day full of cycling
July 16, 2007 Topeka to Olathe, KS
Olathe was definitely one of the toughest rides so far. We had the heat as well as hard rolling hills including some VERY VERY steep ones. We rode through a part of Kansas University's campus so we stopped to take a picture outside of their basketball court.
The end of such a tough ride could not have been anymore perfect than our police escort arrival into Olathe. It was huge and their town absolutely loves us. It was the most I've ever felt like a rock star, it blew Guitar Hero away! When we showed up to the building, the pathway to the front door was lined on both sides by people, both with and without disabilities, cheering and holding up signs with their hands out for a high five. The atmosphere was just insane. Some speeches were made inside this big room I think that Olathe uses for meetings and we were endlessly thanked. They actually had the mayor there to speak which was the first time we haven't had someone filling in. After that, we ate lunch there and got to visit with our “fans.” The picture I have here is with Ralph,
an old man who was pretty difficult to hear and understand but you could still tell he was happy to be there. After lunch, we made our way to the dormitories of the Kansas School for the Deaf. We stayed here for the next two nights since we had a day off here. I definitely feel grateful for all of the beds we've been staying in along the trip. We were all told that we'd have about four hotels along the way with just a few more nights in a bed. Before dinner at the Texas Roadhouse (where I had prime rib!), I endured the most painful experience ever. A massage therapist and chiropractor met us at lodging and I asked for my quads to be worked on. Stupidest thing ever and I didn't realize until then that a massage and massage therapy are different. He worked out the kinks in my quadriceps and it just felt like endless burning and stretching. I got about nine hours of sleep that night because I was so tired from the long days we had put in lately and the big dinner I scarfed down earlier.
July 15, 2007 Emporia to Topeka, KS
The ride was hot with mostly flat terrain, though we did begin to see the rolling hills we had been promised in eastern Kansas. We did an arrival and were greatly welcomed by the ARC of Topeka (TARC). They were great hosts, allowing us to to sleep in their facilities and provided us both lunch and dinner, with a friendship visit at lunch. I sat with Barbara and her cousin who drove Barbara to our visit. They were both originally from southern Alabama and Barbara kept calling me sir. It was rather tough to get any long conversations going with either women. Even though Barbara was smiling the whole time, she just wasn't a big talker I guess. We showered at the Topeka YMCA and then had a lasagna dinner with no FV. Andrew hung out a bunch with the two sons of Dawn, the woman who set up all of the TARC stuff. They played video games and ate dinner together, and played a little after dinner too. They seemed to be having a really good time together.
Monday, July 23, 2007
July 14, 2007 Wichita to Emporia, KS
The morning we rode to Emporia marked the first of three days in a row we would be waking up at 5:00 am. It's not a very motivating feeling to wake up and begin moving around when it's still so dark out. Our grid reads 115 miles but I think that it was about 107 miles. Only five or six guys rode the whole ride because of both the need to be at a sponsored lunch in the middle of the day and some construction in the road that delayed everyone. The rest of us finished the ride with about 86 miles. Lunch was at a restaurant in Cottonwood Falls on the way to Emporia which is a small, historic town but for some strange reason has an amazing restaurant in it. Two families that had already done some sponsored meals in Wichita sponsored us together for lunch. It's very cool to see families for former team members continue to be involved and see there support in all the places across the country. This was also the first day we saw really hot temperatures in Kansas. It would become a trend as we saw it stayed true throughout the state. Lodging was at a Boys and Girls Club-type place and the Kiwanis Club brought a potluck dinner to us. They also provided a professional masseuse and self-massaging bed for our use. This was the first time I had ever received a massage from a professional and it was pretty good. It was really relaxing; I could have fallen asleep. During dinner, I chatted it up with some women that were both members and wives of members of Kiwanis. We had great conversation and laughter going the whole time. After, I did laundry and wasted some quarters on an arcade game from the 80s. I got to sleep early that night.
July 12, 2007 Pratt to Wichita, KS
We rode to Wichita on the 12th and had a day off on the 13th. The terrain was mostly flat with some hills, if I remember right. It's pretty hard to tell these days apart. I was in the last group and we just took it easy as the time passed quickly because we were chatting for most of the ride. A team member's parents bought us lunch at Chipotle (a mexican fast food place) that has humongous burritos and other food but it was just too spicy for my liking. By the way, we were staying at a nice hotel and each of us had our own big bed! We had dinner at the Kansas Jaycee CP Ranch which was hosting a one-week camp for kids with disabilities. There wasn't one child that I especially hung out with for the evening but I still enjoyed floating around during the carnival-like activities. At the beginning, we found out that we all needed to choose nicknames and I randomly thought of Tiny Dancer. Later, I agreed to have a butterfly painted on my face as it was too a tiny dancer, perhaps even a insect representation of me. I had a great time during the 30 second whip cream eating contest. I may not have “won” but my plate was definitely the cleanest. I walked around with Marcus for just a little bit, a blind child. It was very interesting to walk with him as he navigated himself around benches and poles. This was also a mail-drop for us and I got a letter from Hailey (yeah!) and a jam-packed care package from Aunt JoAnn (thank you again!). The Starburst Jellybeans were gone in about three days. The three of us from WSU received an invitation to Ian's wedding and thank you guys for the invite but I don't think we'll be able to make it. I wish I could be there though and thanks again for all of your support!
On the day off we had breakfast at the house of a former team member's house. The house was amazingly big and the breakfast wasn't so bad either, pancakes and eggs Benedict among other things. Lunch was at Rainbows United which was like a summer school for kids with disabilities. There was a ton of kids there and a wide variety of disabilities. I hung with Jeffrey while each person in the room filled a jar with colored sand and made different designs in it. At lunch, I sat next to a kid who kept trying to steal everything other people had. He was non-verbal and continuously was reaching to people's plates trying to get their pizza. It was funny to me but it clearly happens a lot, I could tell by the way the caregiver reacted. Dinner was at an office building which was an independent living resource for people with disabilities. I sat with Jerry and two other women at a table of four so I was trying my best to keep the conversations going by myself. I can tell that I'm a lot better now than I was at the beginning of the trip.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
how many people read this