What a scary and fun day! Since most of you know that Andrew was indeed hit by a car on this day and that he is okay, I (Jake) will let you know what else happened because there was a lot. The ride was actually only 30 miles, the shortest ride we'll get all summer. We had a big arrival with fellow Journey of Hopers from the North route to the Denver capital building but before that, we all went to Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium where the Denver Broncos play football.
We got to go out on the field and take some pictures.
Anyway, eventually we got to the capital building and we lined up in front of a woman representing the city who gave a speech about how happy they are to welcome us and how much they support what we're doing. Soon after, our very first puppet show was put on for a group of kids from the YMCA, the rest of our teammates, friends, family, and fans of the Journey of Hope. Kids on the Block (the puppet show) had been done by the North route guys at least five times already but it was our first. I actually did the part of Brenda Dubrowski and had a great time doing it. I started off pretty nervous considering both it was my first time and there were tons of people there watching. I got the hang out of it though and everyone told me I did a great job so that was pretty encouraging.
Later in the evening we attended an event called Pedal For Pennies which kids with disabilities attain pledges for themselves to ride laps on their own bicycles. We got to be there to ride with them, count laps, and encourage them as they rode for an hour. I rode with a boy named Nick who had autism. He got tired after about a half hour and said he wanted to quit but we were able to get him to stay on the bike. And at the beginning of the riding, he would get off the bike or pull off to the side and stop every time someone wanted to pass but by the end he just kept riding and stayed to the right. I think that that was a big step for him.
After the riding, we had dinner and some thank yous were issued along with some grants and special awards for the riders with disabilities. But after dinner, the dance started and they played all of those same songs that get played at weddings (YMCA, Macarena, We are Family) and we all had a great time. I really let loose and enjoyed myself with everyone else, just being goofy.
you didn't do the chicken dance, did ya? oh, great-you put a mark on our good family name!-p.s.-how's andrews tush?
actually we did do the chicken dance! and andrew's doing better, attending meals and events in the evening now.
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