Boy oh boy. We woke up in Dubois at 5:30am and were off to Shoshoni by 6:30. My fingers were freezing. It didn't take long though to heat up. It got up over 95 degrees today, maybe even hitting 100. On top of that, it was a 96 mile day on the bike and we've got over 100 miles to do tomorrow to get ourselves to Casper. The terrain was a lot different than it has been, very desert like. We've been told to expect the same tomorrow. The road was actually pretty fast and we had some decent tailwind for most of the day which made the miles rack up quicker. That heat though, in my last 20 miles really took a lot out of me.
As soon as we got to the Senior Center which is where we are staying for the night, we packed up for the hot springs they have here in Shoshoni. We weren't allowed to stay in the 103 degree spring water more than 20 minutes. That is also where we all showered. Once we got back to lodging, Andrew and I played pool until we were served dinner by the kind women putting us up in the Senior Center. Great meatballs. After that, I played a little more pool and waited around for internet. No cell service here, at least for Cingular (surprise). A lot of guys are watching The Goodfellas and a few were playing poker. It was pretty relaxed here today, expected with the ride we had and the ride we have tomorrow.
The guys and I in Van 4 started reading Dean Koontz's "The Taking" aloud to pass the time on longer rides. Two of us have been reading but whoever's not reading usually starts to nod off for a nap. I've taken more naps on this trip than I have probably in my whole life. Alright, well that's about it for me. Not too exciting of a day and we haven't had a friendship visit in quite a while. Here's a few random pics from earlier days on the road.
jacob! a picture with the Wayner-ud would be so proud!
Wow fellas, looks like you're Living the Dream! SAVOR every moment cause you'll be in DC before you know it. Hope you had a good time on cookout with Jacob. He said it was fun times. Take care and continue to make Theta Iota proud! - Ian
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