the day started off well when we learned that we would not have to ride along I-90 to the entire day. instead we took highways 82 and 84... i think which shortened our day by about 20 miles. even though our climb was steeper,
we didn't have to breathe in all the exhaust smoke from the freeway. today was the first day we crossed the continental divide, sadly there were no signs because it was a back road.
the was a very beautiful ride, after the divide we dropped down into a very green farming valley where we rode up and down several times over rolling hills. we eventually hooked up with I-90, there were very large shoulders which made it nice to ride on, only occasionally there were guard rails that cut off the entire shoulder and we were forced to ride in the freeway lanes. the only happened a few times and before long were were in bozeman. our lodging was nice, we stayed in the high school wrestling room which is always nice because we have the mats to add padding. once we were showered Todd, Karl and i walked to Arby's where they had free wireless and a 5 for 5 deal on sandwiches. We made sure to make it back in time to change and prepare for our friendship visit. we went to a place called eagle mount, they have a 10 acre ranch where they provide hippo therapy for children and adults with disabilities. hippo therapy is horseback riding with a few tricks, it mimics human walking and improves balance as well as some other things. eagle mount also runs a ski program where they take people with disabilities up skiing with special equipment. after dinner we gave them a grant to go towards their adventure cycling program which enables paraplegic people to ride on hand powered bicycles. after the friendship visit we went back to the high school to get to sleep so we could get up in the morning and do it again.
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