The day began at 8:15 when we woke up to the lion king soundtrack blasting from a small cd player. we went to breakfast at the Teton steakhouse, it was a delicious all you can eat buffet. i ate with Tim, a young man with down syndrome who has worked there for about 5 years and helped us get the meal donated. after breakfast we got to go to the snow king inn where we received lift tickets to go up to the scenic outlook as well as tickets to use the alpine slide, which basically is a water slide with a cart instead of water.
Brent, the 40 year old guy from London, also the oldest man to ever embark on the journey of hope was the only one who crashed. if you can imagine what it would be like to slide down a dry water slide at 20mph i am sure you would not think pleasant things. after the alpine slide we got to swim in the pool there until lunch, donated by subway. after lunch we had about 4 hours to hangout until out next event so some of the guys and i went downtown to look at the shops and such. after we walked around for 3 hours and bought nothing but postcards we decided to head back and get a nap in before our dinner show. dinner was at the bar j ranch, an all you can eat "authentic" chuck wagon meal. a little during and after dinner there was a concert/comedy show, the music was traditional western cowboy music with jokes thrown in all over the place. it started at 6 and ended at around 9:30, Jake was excited that he finished in time to get seconds, since that rarely happens, then after seconds he said that he couldn't enjoy the show as much as he wanted because every time he took a breath it hurt. we all just went back to lodging and went to bed after our huge dinner and long day.
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