Thursday, July 26, 2007

07/24/07 Effingham, IL to Terre Haute, Indiana

The Rotary Club again catered a breakfast in the morning before we were on our way to Indiana . I swept, both because I was sore from the crash but also because Steve made a big deal to the team about riding with different people. We finished the 60+ mile ride and did an arrival at Indiana State University in their court yard next to a big fountain. It was a decent crowd, mostly of Pi Kapps from ISU. There was good media coverage though. We stayed at a giant house basically right on Greek Row with an alumnus. The place had like four stories including the basement. It was so big and clean I was a little creeped out. Plus there were old black and white photos and child-sized dolls that looked kind of real. Our dinner/friendship visit was with the Happiness Bag. We had a big dance and karaoke was available though not extremely popular. Dances are definitely the most fun friendship visits we get to do. It’s so great to have a lot of people come out. Plus media, there were three video cameras in our face when we showed up. There was one guy I linked arms with during the Chicken Dance and after about two seconds he told me he loved me and gave me a hug. Steve said that that was what the trip was all about. All of the people there had also made cards for us which I thought was pretty touching. It was pretty laid back when we got back to lodging. We watched a cycling movie called “Breaking Away” which was filmed entirely in Bloomington , Indiana , our stop for the following day.
By the way, Indiana puts us three hours ahead of the Washingtonians back home. It’s unbelievable to me that there are less than 20 days on the trip left and the states just continue to fly by. This really has been the adventure of a lifetime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the chicken dance again, ab will have to hide her head around town.