Monday, July 23, 2007


well i am sorry we cant update it fast enough, we have been getting busier and busier as we get into parts of the country with higher populations. its not like montana and wyoming where we stay in town with 200 people. well be trying harder to update on a more regular basis. provided we have internet access. for those who dont know. i wont be needing surgery, so that is good news. the final report from the doctor is that i tore my gastroc nemius (if thats how you spell it) muscle pretty good, so now my right calf is almost twice as big my left. i also had a few fairly small tears in my achilles tendon, apparently nothing to worry too much about. im still pretty bruised up and a little sore, but i hope to be back on the bike in a week... i hope. as for right now i am an official member of the crew, i have to wake up 30minutes before everyone else with the crew as well as share a large number of the crew duties now. i even have an official crew polo.

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Thanks you guys for updating your blog. We know you're busy but we sure miss hearing from you. Hope you're back on the bike in a week Andrew. We'll be rooting for you!!
Be Safe!